My Guardian Angels on Two Wheels

My Journey Heading Back to Light

By Queen Caution

1/5/20242 min read

My Dearest Guardian Angels,

As we roll into 2024, I find myself reflecting on a journey that's been as much about self-discovery as it has been about cycling. There was a time, not too long ago, when life felt like an uphill battle on a fixed-gear bike – relentless and unforgiving. During this phase, I made the tough decision to disconnect from social media, to step back from my Zwift community, and to face the struggles that life was throwing my way.

It's funny, in a not-so-funny way, how when you're at your lowest, even your trusty bike can look like a reminder of better days that seem too far gone. I found myself envying others' success, feeling like every post and update was a personal jab at my own hardships. In hindsight, I see I was wrong to pull away from this amazing community that I didn't realize I needed so much.

Returning to Zwift and the social fold after several months was like stepping into a cold shower – shocking, but oddly refreshing. I knew I had to be real, more honest than ever, about the rollercoaster my life had become. Being vulnerable is no joke, especially when you're trying to balance it with not being a human raincloud over everyone's parade.

But guess what? The moment I peeked back into our community, arms opened wide, welcoming me back – no judgment, just pure, unadulterated support. It was like coming home after a long journey, and finding that not only was the light still on, but there was also a warm cup of coffee waiting for me (and we all know how much I love my coffee!).

This return marked the arrival of some unexpected angels in my life. Their support came in many forms – financial donations that were a lifeline, thoughtful gifts that brought unexpected tears, purchases from my QCyclust store that felt like high-fives across the miles, and words of encouragement that were like fuel to my dwindling fire.

...The kindness didn't stop there. Check-ins, motivating messages, shared rides, and just being there – it all reminded me of why this community is more than just a group of cyclists. It's a family, a support system, a group of guardian angels on two wheels.

This experience has taught me a powerful lesson: don't hesitate to be the light in someone's life. You never know the impact and ripple effect your kindness can have. It's a subtle reminder that we all need support, and sometimes, even the smallest gesture can light up someone's world in ways you can't imagine.

As I stand at the threshold of a new year, I'm filled with gratitude and a renewed sense of purpose. Yes, life can be exhausting, and yes, it can knock you down. But with a community like this, you're never out. There's always a hand, or a wheel, ready to help you back up.

So, here's to a year of being real, of sharing the good and the bad, and of supporting each other through every ride – both on and off the bike. Let's pedal into 2024 with hope, laughter, and a whole lot of heart, always remembering the power we hold to be a beacon for others.

With love, and a couple of patched-up tires,

Queen Caution 🚴‍♀️💖👼