Terms & conditions


Terms and Conditions for QCyclust.com - Where We Pedal through the Legalities with a Smile

Effective Date: [Sept. 7, 2023] - Let's Get Our Gears in Sync

Greetings, fellow cycling enthusiasts! Queen Caution here, ready to lay down some good ol' terms and conditions for our QCyclust.com adventure. Now, I know this isn't the fun part, but let's make it as smooth as a well-lubed chain.

1. Acceptance of Terms:

By taking a ride through QCyclust.com, you're telling us you're cool with these terms. If you're not, well, we'll miss you, but no hard feelings.

2. Privacy Policy:

Your privacy is as important as a properly fitted helmet. Our Privacy Policy explains how we handle your info. By being here, you're also agreeing to that.

3. Age Requirement:

You've got to be at least 18 to join our cycling party. That's like saying you need to know how to ride a bike to be in a bike race – it just makes sense.

4. User Account:

If you need to create an account (kind of like picking your own cycling jersey), guard it like you would your favorite bike. You're responsible for all the pedaling you do on your account.

5. Content Usage:

We own the stuff on this site (except user-generated content). So no swiping our content without asking, just like you wouldn't borrow someone's bike without permission.

6. Third-Party Links:

If we send you on a detour to other websites, we can't control their routes. It's like giving you a map with multiple paths – choose wisely!

7. Limitation of Liability:

We're here to help you have a great ride, but if something goes wrong, we're not liable. Think of it like your buddy lending you a bike – you're responsible for how you ride it.

8. Changes to Terms:

Sometimes, we might tweak these terms. Check back now and then, it's like keeping your bike well-maintained – it runs better that way.

9. Termination:

We hope it never comes to this, but we can kick you off the site if you're not playing nice. It's like getting disqualified from a race for not following the rules.

10. Governing Law:

If we ever have to settle things legally, we'll do it where we're based. It's like racing on your home turf.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions or want to chat about these terms, drop me a line at QueenCaution@QCyclust.com
I'm as responsive as a well-tuned suspension!

By continuing your journey through QCyclust.com, you're telling us you're cool with these terms. Join us for a fantastic ride full of cycling adventures, camaraderie, and punny pit stops. We promise to make it a journey worth pedaling!